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Feb. 9, 2022

Rob Moffat, Partner at Balderton Capital on Opportunities and Trends in Europe; Optimizing Organizational Design for Scale

Rob Moffat, Partner at Balderton Capital on Opportunities and Trends in Europe; Optimizing Organizational Design for Scale

I am delighted to have Rob Moffat, Partner at Balderton Capital on the show today. Rob has been a partner at Balderton since 2015. He focuses mainly on fintech and insurtech but he also has experience in games, marketplaces, and SaaS. We covered a lot in

  • [1:55] Overview of Balderton
  • [3:46] What do you think makes for a good VC? 
  • [5:32] Where are you making big bets going into 2022?
  • [6:30] Why is there a difference in the US and Europe when it comes to web3?
  • [7:52] What is your take on the NFT opportunity?
  • [13:26] Opportunities in fintech
  • [17:52] Team vs Idea - what is more important?
  • [23:36] Organizational design from Series A to Series B
  • [33:02] SaaS metrics for companies Balderton has invested in
  • [35:39] If you could start a movement to change something or further a cause, what would it be and why?


Balderton Capital

Rob Moffat (Medium)




Book recommendation: Mandibles

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